東海国立大学機構 統合報告書2021を発行しました。


このたび、東海国立大学機構は、一法人複数大学を設置する国立大学法人が発行する初めての統合報告書「東海国立大学機構INTEGRATED REPORT2021」を発行致しました。








Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (THERS) has published "Tokai National Higher Education and Research System INTEGRATED REPORT 2021", the first integrated report to be issued by a national university corporation with a system of one corporation and multiple universities.

This report has been prepared with an awareness of the background of the corporate integration of Gifu University and Nagoya University, the purpose of the integration, the vision and strategy set forth at the time of the integration, and the goals of the integration.

In addition, while integrated reports issued by public corporations generally contain less information on business continuity than those of corporations, this report is designed to be understandable to general investors based on the eight content elements required by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Framework, including an analysis of risks and opportunities, the impact of the external environment on business operations, business strategies, and the impact of the integration on business operations. We aimed to create value creation stories based on an analysis of risks and opportunities, the impact of the external environment on business operations, business strategy, and output/outcome consistency.

We will continue to enhance the content of the report to ensure that as many people as possible understand the value creation of THERS, while incorporating the opinions of not only university-related personnel but also a wide variety of stakeholders.


Tokai National Higher Education and Research System INTEGRATED REPORT 2021


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